If you happen to be at the Manila Diamond Hotel, check out on Bruno at the front lobby security area. He is one of the hotel’s resident K9 and while he looks menacing, he is as tame as, well, a pet dog. Just make sure to ask his handler’s permission first before petting him.
I didn’t have much time to dig into Bruno’s past or circumstances when I met him that May 1 night last summer. I was in a party mode that night, being at the hotel to take part in the ceremony that changed the name of the Konrad Adenauer Center for Journalism at the Ateneo de Manila University, into the Konrad Adenauer ASIAN Center for Journalism.
It was just after the ceremony when my group of ACFJ Fellows were about to step out the hotel to cross Roxas Boulevard over to the Baywalk that I spotted Bruno. I couldn’t resist petting the forlorn looking animal, who looked tired and plain sad. I wondered then how long he had been working already that day as it was close to 9 o’clock when I saw him. Do dogs have minimum hours too when they work? Are they fed and rested well enough too? I wonder what PAWS would say on these matters, which struck me as thoroughly very First World concerns.
At any rate, it seemed a topic worthy of a story someday. At least me and Bruno had a picture as souvenir. What a pair of handsome fellows don't you agree?
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