15 October 2005

Of phobias and deadlines

I'm scrambling to beat a deadline in my Master's class which is looming fast and nothing scares me most than not making it. I don't know if it's already a phobia but however allergic I am to deadlines I strangely thrive on them. Someone even called me the King of Photo Finish.

Well not anymore (I hope) because it's really scary to beat deadlines. And that's what I'm doing today, now, this minute - finishing the finals paper for our media law class due midnight tomorrow. Attending to my blog is relaxing me a bit, albeit momentarily. Trix, I hope you are doing fine as we beat our deadline (hoping too that our other classmates are doing fine as well). After tomorrow, we can hopefully move on with other, equally important matters in life, like love and blogging, among other things...

Meanwhile, here is a different phobia - blogophobia that is. Here's a list of companies and organizations who are allergic to blogs and bloggers... I hope your company and mine will not make it here, now and forever.